Members of the Novusitus Initiaitve
Here are the current members of the Novusitus Intiative that is with, or related to [DK-MANIA]. Each of their logs are readable in their individual profiles.

The Archivist
The Archivist is currently the only person in charge of the recordings of DP-MANIA and any documents relating to it. Contact information can be found in their individual profiles.
The Novusitus Five is the group of elites and the founder of the Initiative. They oversee the rest of the group, making sure things run as smooth as possible. Each has jobs of their own, in this case, the person in charge of [DK-MANIA] Is Dr. Tarlon.

Dr. Tarlon is one of the elites in the Novusitus Five. He is incharge of the entirety of DP-MANIA and generally, the medical staff.

DA-VINCI is a surgical android.